Mission Statement
To empower believers to fulfill the mandate to take the gospel to the nations, by training, equipping and mobilizing individual
The Global On-Demand School of Ministry is an internet-based training program.
It is designed to develop those who have a calling to the fivefold ministry. This 9 month training program offers a powerful combination of classroom instruction, and practical hands-on service.
Some of the critical skills you will acquire while in the program include:
1. How to prepare and deliver sermons.
2. How to setup an effective intercessory prayer team.
3. Opportunity to participate in international missions work.
4. Marketing your ministry effectively.
5. Setup an evangelistic campaign in your church, community, city or overseas.
6. Ministering in signs and wonders – Operating in the supernatural.
7. How to setup your own Tax-Exempt 501(c)3 organization.
8. Defining your Mission and Your Vision.
9. The Healing Minisitry
10. Leadership
11. Church Planting
12. Signs and Wonders
…And much, much more.
Whether you are an established minister or about to launch into a new ministry, the Global On-Demand School of Ministry will prepare you to be an anointed minister and how to effectively setup your ministry. And guess what? This can all be achieved On-Demand on the internet, while on your computer, I-Pad, or Smartphone.
Upon completing this 9 month development program you may be eligible to apply for our Leadership Degree Program. In this program the student will undergo an intense, rigorous training, designed to develop essential skills necessary to become strong ministry and business leaders.
Spirit-Led Learning
The School of Ministry was founded on Word of God to train up and send out ordinary people like you and me. It is our goal to assist students in becoming all God intended them to be. This program is based upon the Word of God and inspired by the Holy Spirit to provide you with the necessary tools to make you sensitive to the voice of God and make you an effective ministry gift to the body of Christ. The Word of God is our primary study guide and the Holy Spirit will serve as your teacher, as He unveils the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
Every class is anointed and empowered to transform the life of the student as they learn to submit to the Word of God.
Praise and Worship are an intricate part of the student’s classroom experience, as is the opportunity to put into practice the principles one has been taught.
Through the completion of the program graduates will acquire the necessary skills to:
1. Hear and discern the voice of God
2. Confirm and describe their unique ministry call and purpose
3. Define their ministry mission statement and vision
4. Launch, build or serve in full-time ministry
Additionally, graduates will have the opportunity to exercise various ministerial gifts through the following activities:
1. Laying hands on the sick
2. Altar ministry
3. Sermon preparation and delivery
4. Mission trips
5. Street Evangelism
6. Casting out demons
7. Ministering the baptism of the Holy Spirit
8. Conferences
More importantly, students will accept the call of God to go into all the world and preach the gospel. They will learn to preach the uncompromising Word of God with signs, wonders and miracles following.