
Admission Requirements
Applicants must meet the following requirements for admission:
1. Be born-again (received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior)
2. Be Spirit-filled
3. Be called to be a missionary or to one of the five-fold ministry offices described in Ephesians 4:11-12 (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher)
4. Be a committed member in good standing at a local church
5. Maintain a lifestyle which is consistent with scripture and demonstrates the pursuit of godliness.
6. Display spiritual maturity through the Fruit of the Spirit described in Galations 5:22-23
7. Be 18 years of age or older with a high school diploma or equivalent.
8. Completed admission, by filling out online enrollment form

Payment Terms
Tuition is payable in full before the first day of class or according to the terms outlined in the installment plan.
If you elect to participate in the installment payment plan agreement you must subscribe to the electronic payment plan through the website.  Payments will be deducted automatically from your credit card each month.

Your account will be considered delinquent if payments are not available on the dates indicated in the installment agreement.  Admission to the classroom will not be allowed if your account is delinquent.  When you are able to bring the account current, you may return to normal class attendance.

Financial Aid or Scholarships
The GODSOM does not offer financial aid or scholarships

The traditional numeric/alpha grading system will be used as an assessment of each student’s performance.  There are five possible grade scores:
A     100-90     Outstanding
B      89-80     Above Average
C      79-70     Average
D      69-60     Below Average
F      < 60       Fail
The exams link on the ministry website or email is the school’s standard method for completing and submitting all coursework. Grades will be available privately and sent to each student electronically, through email.  Students should keep a copy of all assignments, reports and notes associated with their course work.

Graduation Requirements
Students must adhere to the following requirements in order to graduate:
1. Successful completion of the 9-month program (70 or higher grade point average)
2. All financial requirements must be fulfilled
3. Faithful attendance to class (no more than 5 unexcused absences).
A certificate will be awarded upon satisfactory completion of the required 9-month program.  For those participating in the degree program they will be contacted separately.

Refund Policy
Application fees are non-refundable.  Refund of tuition is as follows:
Before the First Day of Class  100%
After the First Day of Class      90%
After the Second Day of Class  80%
No refunds after the second class

Spiritual maturity is expected from every student.  Students are expected to conduct themselves in agreement with the teachings of the Bible.  Conduct by a student deemed immoral or unethical will be considered grounds for immediate dismissal from the school.  Honesty, integrity and respect for others are of utmost importance.  Every area of the student’s life should be structured around actively pursuing the Lord.  Scripture reading, devotions and prayer should be a daily discipline and faithful church attendance is considered mandatory.

Withdrawal Procedure
A student desiring to withdraw from the program must notify the Administrative Office in writing of their intention to withdraw with the effective date of their withdrawal.  An official withdrawal form must be properly completed, signed by the student and filed with the Administrative Office. A phone call or verbal agreement does not constitute an official withdrawal.  Failure to adhere to our withdrawal procedures may result in forfeiture of the student’s right to refund.